The World Is Your Oyster. Live The Cultured Life

Do You Know Your Unconscious Success Code?

Discover Your Hidden Inner Keys To Influence and Success

“When she finally identifies your brand IT FACTOR, you can’t help but be blown away by how she gets you and understands your authentic self. Hanna has truly transformed not only how I see my practice as a brand but as a business.”

When my client Jen (name changed for privacy) came to me, she was in a partnership with a friend running a very successful consulting business. But there was a growing unfulfillment as the two wanted different paths. For her “something was missing” and it was time for a change.

She just knew somewhere inside it was time for something different. This was when we did the assessment and she discovered her Brand IT FACTOR. Discovering the aspects of herself that were once unconscious to her, helped her realize how much she was not truly expressing her true identity, suppressing her true desires, and leadership style in her current business. Overgiving in a way that was not authentic to her.

She discovered that she was not only a girl next door desiring to advocate for others but had a strong explorer archetype at her core. A desire for freedom, and independence. To create her consulting practice in a non-traditional way. Her true unconscious success code was designed for more freedom and innovation when her industry was built on structure and tradition.

We created her new brand identity that embodied her authentic success codes and today she has a leading independent practice that stands out as different serving high-networth clients and is also personally fulfilling for her.

We can create success consciously following the blueprint of other successful people around us and yet, many of us arrive only to feel like something is missing”.

We are conscious to many things, like the fact that you may or may not like broccoli ice-cream or that you just don’t like a certain song, a particular fashion brand, this politician over that one or even a particular TV show.

And yet, what lies deeper are the codes that exist in your unconscious mind shaping your every decision and even influencing how others see you. Codes that you do not know and yet they have a profound influence on the things you think you are consciously choosing or that decision you thought you were powerfully making.

What if you are not choosing? That you are influenced by factors you didn’t know were influencing your choices? What if you did know? What if you understood why you are choosing? Would you choose differently? More consciously? Could you influence others with more authenticity and intentionally?

One of my favorite quotes is thisUntil you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Dr. Carl Jung.

Dr. Carl Jung, the pioneering Swiss psychiatrist, introduced the concept of archetypes, revealing the invisible threads that weave through our thoughts, actions, and the very fabric of our success.

Unveiling this intricate dance between our conscious and unconscious minds can be the key to unlocking untapped potential, influencing others, and navigating the path to success with unprecedented clarity.

Over the past 12 years, working as a consultant for luxury award-winning brands and experts, I’ve delved into the realms of the human psyche.

The journey has led me to develop an assessment that unveils the mysteries of our unconscious success code, decoding the three powerful archetypes that silently orchestrate our Career Leadership, Personal Expressions, and Influence in the world. This knowledge has enabled my private clients to understand how to leverage their true personal identity to create a more authentic personal and business brand.

By making their unconscious archetypes conscious, these clients have been able to create a more differentiated positioning as influencers and business leaders of world-class brands.

Welcome to the era of understanding your BRAND IT FACTOR.

“There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.” D. Rumsfeld

Our minds are vast landscapes, with a significant portion concealed beneath the surface—our unconscious mind. Much like an iceberg, where only a fraction is visible,

Dr Sigmund Freud’s Iceberg theory often called the “psychic iceberg” which represents the structure of our minds. The theory suggests that the visible tip above the water represents our conscious thoughts and actions.

This conscious level comprises thoughts and feelings that we are aware of. What this means is that we are only aware of 10% of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Beneath the surface lies the larger submerged portion, symbolizing the unconscious mind. This part of our minds beneath the surface represents 90% of what drives us. Our unconscious mind holds the key to our motivations, fears, and ultimately our success.

According to Freud, the unconscious mind contained repressed memories and desires often rooted in early childhood experiences.


However, it is the approach of Dr Carl Jung though acknowledging these three parts of the mind, uncovered a different perspective to include the personal unconscious (similar to Freud’s concept) and a less obvious layer called the collective unconscious.

Our collective unconscious, according to Jung, holds universal, archetypal symbols and experiences shared by all humans, known as archetypes. They shape our thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions. Inside this part of our unconscious minds live these archetypes in combinations that are unique to each of us holding the keys to unlocking your true brand identity, your personal and professional success code.

Imagine these archetypes as the unseen puppeteers of our minds, subtly influencing our decisions, interactions, and even our career trajectories. They operate behind the scenes, shaping our leadership styles, personal expressions, and the way we wield influence in the world. These codes written in our unconscious mind can positively influence our path to success and fulfillment when we make them conscious and unfulfillment and burnout when we operate out of alignment with them.

You may be consciously aware that you have a natural aptitude for coming up with creative solutions and you may know that you don’t know how to build the code for a flight simulator. But what you don’t know that you don’t know is that the real reason you have been feeling unfulfilled in your career even though you love what you do, is because one of the archetypes that may be driving you is the Explorer and right now your true expression of it is supressed in this Ruler system.

Unaware you feel anxiety around conforming or fear being trapped. Some people start off great on a path and quickly get bored or unfulfilled trying to find the new shiny path, signing up for yet another online course or degree. When instead they only need to shift their approach within the same path to operate in greater alignment with this unconscious part of yourself seeking greater expression and capable of leading you to more fulfillment and success.

The profound impact of archetypes extends beyond individual psychology.

World-class brands have harnessed the power of archetypes to create indelible identities.

Take Dyson, for instance, embodying the archetype of the Magician—the visionary, the innovator. Its campaigns evoke a sense of wonder, promising a future transformed through technology. Hollywood, too, has recognized the potency of archetypes in crafting unforgettable narratives. From the Hero’s Journey to the Rebel’s defiance, archetypes form the backbone of blockbuster films. They resonate with audiences on a primal level, stirring emotions and leaving a lasting imprint. Think of Luke Skywalker’s Heroic journey in Star Wars or the Rebel’s charismatic defiance in Deadpool—archetypes are the hidden architects of these cinematic masterpieces. I once did this assessment for a struggling actress who then started to attract more roles.

Cracking Your Success Code: Your BRAND IT FACTOR Assessment

Understanding the archetypes at play in your life is akin to discovering the blueprint of your success.

Through years of research and practical experience, I’ve crafted the BRAND IT FACTOR assessment—an opportunity to demystify the unseen forces shaping your career, personal expressions, business growth, and influence.

Uncover the archetype that governs your highest personal expression, influence and leadership style. Are you the Hero, leading with courage and conviction? Perhaps you embody the Sage, guiding with wisdom and insight. Your archetype is the compass navigating your professional journey, influencing how you lead teams and make strategic decisions. Uncovering this will align you to create the type business or select the type of company that is in alignment to how you operate in the workplace and your leadership style.

Uncover your archetype and discover the blueprint to success inside the Aphrodite Code Global Platform for Female Founders. Learn more by visiting


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